Mojo’s Antique Barn

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Hi, I’m Jolene Puhrmann and six years ago I decided to open a vintage and antique store. It has been the best blessing I have ever had I started with a 3600 square-foot building and soon outgrew it and moved into a new building of 8500 ft.² And now I’m looking to renovate that and add another 2700 ft.² to rejuvenate more monthly income with more vendors . I currently have 42 vendors and a little over 200 consigners, and I also do estate sales having this business has blown me away. There is such a need and a demand for the kind of things that I sell in my vintage and antique store. I’m in awe with things  sell. On a daily average I sell at least 4 to 6 pieces of furniture. I have clients clear across the  United States. Once every eight weeks I take a full load to Colorado to deliver to clients and bring a full load back. I have clients  that watch my Facebook page and call and purchase merchandise and we ship it out.  
I have been able to help many families out with their parents Estates when their parents have either gone to assisted-living the nursing home or have passed I started by doing seven sales my first year and this year of 2023. I ended up doing 18 estate sales. My business is growing by leaps and bounds, and I’m looking for someone to purchase my business and let me operate for them.   Someone who has a love for vintage and antiques like I do as I feel this industry just keeps growing and growing.

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