J. H. Global Solutions LLC

I want to raise $10 Mil+ for a company that will solve global issues.

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The general idea is to raise funds so that I can acquire assets for the institution(s) created in order to maximize efficiency, affordability and occupancy.
  • Introduction - J.H Global Solutions. Solving problems worldwide.
  • Team - Those who believe that children are our future.
  • Problem - The problems are many but there should be more institutions of genuine care for the children of America.
  • Solution - You have to reach out to that community and get feedback.
  • Business Model - Acquiring assets and having no liabilities.
  • Competition - There are very few of these institutions throughout the states.
  • Vision - The product will be for the people and maintained by the people.
  • Traction - I have opened my LLC, it is in good standing with the state of Maryland and I have subscribed to ask for funding to carry out the next steps in this mission.
  • Funding Ask - I want as much money as I can be allowed all at once as a recurring theme because the paying parties will get their money back as late as one year. The more I have the more means I have to find those genuine, genius and people oriented personnel.
  • Projections - Crime goes down and the global economy will be unparalleled. I have two daughters, children are very powerful in creativity along with understanding.
  • Closing - I would like to connect with interested investors who want to bring the families under one roof and learn together and be well and compete and push the theme of positivity and the true strength of togetherness.

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