
About Zillionize

Our investment thesis is a single keyword – early. You are early in your category because you can see the future; we are early because we invest in your success on or before Demo Day. We are a seed round investor. However, in case we are late to your seed round, we stay persistent until we get into a follow-on round. Approach We follow a no-nonsense approach to startup investment – lightning fast. From reaching out to fund being wired, it could be only a couple of hours. Unlike many other funds with a 10-year lifecycle, our fund lifecycle is forever so you can focus on growing your startup without being worried about cash return. We are data-driven – when we approach you, we may not ask any questions because we have already collected enough data to believe in your success. Initially, we focused on enterprise software, because our direct operation experience is built on that. We gradually expanded our portfolio to include other areas of technology. Although initially, we invested in startups from other incubators, finally we are focused on Y Combinator startups, since we follow essays written by Paul Graham.
  • Ben Li, Founding Partner