Yahara Ventures

About Yahara Ventures

Yahara Software has launched Yahara Ventures, a risk-sharing, software development platform tailored to the needs of start-up companies.  For select start-ups, the Yahara team will evaluate and respond with well-reasoned feedback and advice for any opportunities considered.  For entities the team choses to engage further, we will: * Offer software development and technical support at a deeply discounted price in exchange for equity.  * Provide the technical services needed to build an initial MVP and get it deployed into a testable scenario. * Provide low-cost access to Yahara’s proprietary, enterprise-ready software platform. * Provide tech support for beta customers and evaluate market reaction to the solution being developed. * Provide ongoing CTO/tech support as needed to move the organization through its formative stages. * Assist in consulting with the venture funding community to craft a strategy for commercializing the concept.
  • Kevin Meech, CEO