WUTIF Capital (VCC) Inc.

About WUTIF Capital (VCC) Inc.

WUTIF Capital (VCC) Inc. is a novel angel fund that co-invests with angel investors in promising new technology ventures in British Columbia. There are four steps that entrepreneurs must take if they are seeking investment from WUTIF for their business (the “Company”). These are: -Satisfy preliminary screening criteria -Negotiate terms and conditions -Complete technical and business review -Finalize investment Preliminary Screening Criteria -Must be an eligible B.C. company (VCC rules) -Must be early-stage (typically < 5 years old) -Must be technology-driven (proprietary IP, etc) -Valuation less than $3M (preferred) -Less than $1M seed funding required (typical) -Company has identified angel co-investors (ideal) -Great potential (not a “lifestyle” company)
  • Mike Volker, Partner