
About Wincove

Wincove has a 15-year track record of building market-leading businesses. We partner with business owners, founders, and management teams that share our vision for long-term growth to deliver compounding capital appreciation. Unlike typical private equity firms that invest through serial funds, Wincove invests out of Wincove Private Holdings, LP, which has an evergreen fund structure. Our permanent capital base lays the foundation for a unique approach to investing that focuses on building true, sustainable long-term value versus “transactions” and “deals” that achieve short-term returns. Wincove invests primarily from our committed permanent capital fund, Wincove Private Holdings, LP. With our unique evergreen fund structure, we are not bound to fixed investment periods or holding constraints. Without any pressure on our capital, our partner companies can make the best long-term decisions for shareholders, employees, and customers. It also allows us to wait for the optimal time to maximize value for all parties. We are growth-focused. We only utilize leverage on a situational basis, always prudently, and never engineer our way into an acceptable equity return.
  • Michael McGovern, Partner