Wavemaker 360

About Wavemaker 360

We invest in healthcare disruptors – the entrepreneurs that see how the industry is transforming itself and want to make a big difference. These individuals (the ones we back) aren’t making healthcare incrementally better...they are revolutionizing healthcare. What truly differentiates us is our Limited Partners (investors), the vast majority of whom have significant healthcare industry experience. At Wavemaker 360 we extend the Triple Aim of Healthcare to a “Quintuple Aim”. This framework provides us with a lens through which to evaluate the five sources of primary value the companies we invest in provide to the US healthcare industry. -Improved Patient Experience. Beyond health outcomes, improving the patient experience and making healthcare services consumption more convenient and satisfying is compelling to Wavemaker 360. -Lower Cost. Healthcare is approaching 20% of GDP…anything that can help bring this down, without sacrificing outcomes, is a good thing. -Improved experience for Clinicians. With all the disruption happening in the healthcare industry, we also need to find new products, technologies, and services that directly benefit nurses, doctors, and other allied healthcare professionals. -Better outcomes. This is job #1, and of course, this is the cornerstone of value-based health, which is the bedrock of Wavemaker 360. New Revenue Stream for Providers. Many healthcare practitioners are getting squeezed…we strive to fund business models that help private practicing physicians and their clinics generate new revenue streams.
  • Brian Kadota, Director of Venture Operations