Waterton Associates

About Waterton Associates

We have an excellent record of creating value for our clients with a cycle tested value add strategy and a strong sales discipline. We currently manage approximately $4 billion in assets on behalf of our clients. Within each fund’s strategy, we identify opportunities with the best risk adjusted returns and execute value add strategies using our dedicated, internal property management and capital improvement teams. We invest in the largest, most liquid U.S. markets with a focus on the top 15 metropolitan areas. We target investments that will benefit from asset repositioning, capital improvement programs and/or professional management. Our proprietary research model incorporates internal and external data to identify the most attractive urban and infill suburban submarkets, with attention to diversity of economic base, strong employment and population projections and favorable supply and demand dynamics. We are creative buyers and sellers of real estate and consider a variety of equity and debt investment structures.
  • David Schwartz, Co-Founder, CEO, & Co-Chairman