Warren County Small Business Grant

About Warren County Small Business Grant

WCEDC organizes this annual Small Business Grant Contest as part of our commitment to helping small businesses grow in Warren County. Grants will be awarded to the top three businesses in two categories - Existing Business and Start-Up Business. EXISTING BUSINESS CRITERIA -Less than 10 full-time employees. -Must have at least 2 full-time employees (can include the owner(s), 2 part-time employees can equal 1 full-time equivalent). -A physical commercial location is not required to apply, but businesses that do have an existing commercial location will be scored higher. You will need to explain how you plan to have a physical location within the next twelve months in order to capture points in this category. -Business must be located in Warren County. -Grant funds may not be used for general on-going operating expenses, to pay off previous debt, or for reimbursement of expenses already incurred. START UP BUSINESS CRITERIA -Future business must be located in Warren County. -Must plan to open a commercial location within two years. -Must plan to have at least two full-time employees within three years (can include the owner(s)). -Grant funds may not be used for general on-going operating expenses, to pay off previous debt, or for reimbursement of expenses already incurred.
  • Rachel Gocken, Executive Director