Warren Alpert Foundation

About Warren Alpert Foundation

The Warren Alpert Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to improve public health through grants and programmatic activities that advance medical treatments and cures through basic research, translational and outcomes research, as well as health education. The foundation was established by Warren Alpert, a philanthropist and businessman who passed away in 2007. The foundation is known for awarding the Warren Alpert Foundation Prize, which is given annually to scientists whose research has led to the prevention, cure, or treatment of human diseases or disorders, or whose research constitutes a seminal scientific finding that holds great promise of ultimately changing our understanding of or ability to treat disease. The prize includes $500,000, a citation, and a plaque. Since its inception in 1987, ten winners have gone on to win Nobel Prizes. The prize is administered in partnership with Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • August R. Schiesser, Executive Director