Visible Hands

About Visible Hands

Visible Hands is a pre-seed venture capital firm, providing meaningful funding and support to early stage companies and empowering underrepresented founders launching high-growth startups. The company supports the overlooked, but formidable founders who are transforming the future. We believe that investing in women, people of color, and other underrepresented groups is key to creating a more prosperous and equitable future for everyone. We’re building a world where talent and execution –not race or gender– are the key predictors of success. We celebrate the bold, the curious, and the irrational. We applaud those with big dreams, and who choose the harder, riskier path in relentless pursuit of pushing forward what is possible. We also acknowledge that being a risk-taker often comes from a position of privilege — opportunity and wealth gaps persist along racial and gender lines, and access to financial and social capital too often determines which ideas are nurtured to grow. We believe that we must first acknowledge that the playing field was built to be unequal in order to change it. We know that we must change it.
  • Yasmin Cruz Ferrine, General Partner