Utah Rural Employment Development Incentive

About Utah Rural Employment Development Incentive

The Rural Employment Development Incentive (REDI) grant is designed for businesses creating new high-paying jobs in rural Utah communities. The grant may be available to businesses creating new employment positions in rural counties or in *cities/towns with a population of 10,000 or less in Weber, Davis, Utah, and Washington counties. New jobs can be remote, online, in a satellite hub/office space, or physically located in the same county as the business. Based on the employee’s work location, a business may receive up to $6,000 for each new position. A business considering the REDI grant must apply for and receive approval through the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity in advance of creating any new position(s). Newly created positions: • will be filled by full-time employees • will exist for at least 12 consecutive months • will pay at least 110% of the county’s average wage • may not be within a business primarily engaged in construction, retail, staffing or public utilities