Upper Canada Equity Fund

About Upper Canada Equity Fund

Upper Canada Equity Fund is an early-stage equity investment fund headquartered in Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada that invests in pursuit of financial and social returns. Unlike traditional venture capital firms that often work towards the sale of a company to gain a return, Upper Canada Equity Fund deploys patient capital through a unique private-public investment model to build enterprises that boost rural economic diversification and contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goals. The fund is partnered with DMZ, one of Canada's top university business incubators, and is co-located with a local Community Futures organization, which provides debt finance and acceleration services to entrepreneurs. Investment Strategy Upper Canada Equity Fund invests in companies that: -Are in the seed, early, or expansion stage of development -Create employment opportunities in Prince Edward County and neighboring Lennox & Addington County -Require an equity investment between $250-500K -Operate in knowledge-based industries with high growth potential In selecting investment opportunities, the following factors are considered: -The particular industry, markets, products, services, and technology -The competitive position -The experience of management personnel -The past performance and business plan -Financial statements, projections, and forecasts -The regulatory environment -The expectation of generating new employment opportunities -Opinions and information about the business and its prospects from consultants, customers, suppliers, bankers, and financial advisors -Opinions of analysts and technical consultants, as may be required, and market surveys where applicable Prospective investments are expected to demonstrate some or all of the following characteristics: -An experienced management team that is committed to the company’s success -A strong competitive position as a result of superior technology, innovative products, comparative cost advantage, established market position, and/or significant barriers to entry -For start-up or early-stage funding, a sound business concept or plan which presents a convincing opportunity to establish a comparative business advantage in a growth market -For expansion funding, a reasonable expectation of earnings growth based on past financial performance and/or a strong likelihood of new market success The fund reduces overall risk through diversification of investments in various industry sectors, including but not limited to: -Information Technology -Communications -New Media -Environmental and Energy Technologies -Biotechnology An important element of the investment strategy is the creation of value that occurs after the initial investment is made. Upper Canada Equity Fund and its co-investors work closely with portfolio companies in the development of business strategies, assembly of management teams and boards of directors, identification and pursuit of strategic partners, and execution of business plans.
  • Alex Hutton, Analyst