Unio Capital

About Unio Capital

Unio Capital is an SEC-registered investment firm that manages an unconstrained equity strategy with an emphasis on deep-dive research and high concentration. Unio seeks to produce consistent idiosyncratic-driven excess return via a balanced portfolio that does not rely on factor-bias to outperform (e.g. “growth” or “value”). Our edge is understanding long-term competitive dynamics that play out over time not predicting short-term reactions to quarterly earnings. Unio’s investment philosophy is based on three enduring principles: 1. Long-term, sustainable free cash flow power ultimately drives long-term investment returns, which price volatility (up or down) can obscure in the short term. 2. Market mispricing (valuation) can either enhance or erode the return realized by equity investors, regardless of future FCF generation. 3. Permanent loss of capital is best minimized and long-term capital appreciation is best maximized by owning high-quality assets that are improving with time and whose risks are reducing with time (i.e. “great companies in great businesses'').
  • John A. Allison, Founder