TYLT Ventures

About TYLT Ventures

Our focus is to invest with innovative companies on the verge of significant growth. as entrepreneur-investors with native operating experience, we deploy a hands-on approach in our work with founders. Put simply - we believe in adding value beyond just contributing capital. We utilize a four-step analysis process to vet start-ups. We are open to investment in any business sector but our thrust is to invest in businesses we deeply understand that also present a near term opportunity resulting in extraordinary returns. We look for the following criteria when we consider a potential investment: -A strong understanding of the product or service that can be validated with our domain expertise. -Founders who manifest exceptional leadership talent to execute great ideas to scale. -A demonstrated ability to capture market opportunities and proven traction in a sizable market. -Continued innovation and capacity to maintain a sustainable competitive edge. -Opportunities where our capital can make an impact.
  • Rami Rostami, CEO & Founder