TRM Equity

About TRM Equity

TRM Advisors LP is the manager of the TRM Equity Funds. For over 15 years, TRM has executed a hands-on approach to fundamentally restructuring and significantly improving the operations of industrial businesses. It seeks to realize significant capital appreciation through control equity investments in a diverse array of businesses, including basic materials, specialty manufacturing, metal fabrication, automotive parts, and capital equipment. TRM's principals have worked and invested together for over 15 years, applying a consistent, operationally intensive investment approach that has generated outsized returns for their stakeholders. TRM focuses on the acquisition of assets or businesses from large corporations, founder-owned businesses, and businesses undergoing financial restructuring, including companies owned by former creditor groups. It then transforms these businesses into independent, world-class, industry-leading enterprises. Please contact us for more information.
  • Jeffrey A. Stone, Managing Director