Triangle Angel Partners

About Triangle Angel Partners

Triangle Angel Partners is an angel fund based in the Research Triangle Park area of North Carolina. TAP members give companies more than just capital; they also provide counseling, mentoring, and access to an extensive network of potential investors, customers, strategic partners, and management talent. TAP also shares deal flow with other venture capital affiliates throughout North Carolina, southern Virginia, and northern South Carolina. Investment Criteria -GEOGRAPHY TAP invests in companies within a half day’s drive of Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. We may consider opportunities beyond that range if they are brought to the group by a member willing to sponsor the company. This means a member has a thorough knowledge of the company’s history, management team, market, and the company already has in place a lead investor that is local to it. -MANAGEMENT TEAM We look for teams of high-quality entrepreneurs with a track record of leadership and performance, either in the company’s specific industry or in prior entrepreneurial ventures. We also look at your team’s passion for and commitment to the new business idea, and your ability to inspire confidence among future stakeholders, including employees, potential customers, and investors. As we will be working together as partners, your team’s credibility is essential. Besides, your team must be open to and comfortable with receiving input provided by angel investors. -MARKET OPPORTUNITY Your company must demonstrate a strategy to claim a significant share of the target market. There are plenty of great business ideas, but not all businesses will generate returns that justify angel investors and venture capital financing. Therefore, providing a solution to a problem with a large potential market is essential. -USE OF PROCEEDS Funds must be used to accelerate your company’s achievement of key milestones that increase the company’s value. We generally fund activities that include product development, building a sales and marketing infrastructure, and hiring key executives. -TECHNOLOGY We prefer to invest in first-of-a-kind new ideas, rather than incremental enhancements to existing products and services. However, we approach highly complex, esoteric technologies with caution. The concept behind the technology must be proven and verifiable. Further, we avoid science projects that don’t demonstrate a clear path to commercialization. Any breakthrough innovation must be accompanied by a strong business plan.
  • Craig Stone, Founder