Torch Lake Capital Partners

About Torch Lake Capital Partners

Company Profile: Revenues up to $300 million, and a demonstrated ability to generate consistent operating profits. Current profitability is not required. Investment Size: Situations requiring $5 million to $20 million in equity capital. Larger equity commitments can be arranged through direct investments by the Fund's limited partners or other co-investment partners. Smaller investments may be pursued to support add-on acquisitions for existing portfolio companies. Market Position: Companies that possess a sustainable competitive advantage in a stable or growing niche market. Geographic Preference: Platform companies must be headquartered in the United States or Canada. Ownership Requirements: Control positions preferred although non-control positions will be considered when an appropriate level of board influence can be obtained and liquidity options protected. Investment Horizon: The Fund has a long-term investment approach and holding periods will likely range from three to six years depending on the corporate strategy and the goals of management.
  • Keith S. Freeman, Managing Director