Titan Equity Partners

About Titan Equity Partners

Titan Equity Partners recognizes that each transaction is as unique as the company and the people behind it. We are an experienced team of investors who bring both a financial and operating perspective to every investment we make. Since 1990, our flexible approach has allowed us to tailor each structure to meet the individualized objectives of the companies we invest in. Titan seeks to create a partnership with each management team to facilitate growth and create future value. While management tackles the day-to-day operations, Titan is most helpful in non-routine problem-solving and raising management's sights to set and accomplish strategic objectives. Titan Equity Partners currently has six principal investments in which it plays a key role in the strategic thrust of the company. Those companies are industrial and consumer product manufacturers, software developers, and a specialty service provider. With three active partners, Titan has the experience, capability, and capacity to successfully complete its next acquisition and to support and guide that company's future development.
  • Anthony Pesavento, Managing Partner