The Trelys Funds

About The Trelys Funds

The Trelys Funds is a venture capital investment group headquartered in Columbia, South Carolina. Trelys focuses on an underserved market of entrepreneurs and investors located primarily in South Carolina and the surrounding region. The Trelys Funds invests in entrepreneurial teams who combine vision and creativity in addressing opportunities in growing markets. To these select groups, we provide access to capital, management expertise, and a network of other resources critical to growing a business. Our capital investments are targeted for companies in South Carolina and the surrounding region and typically fall in a range between $500,000 and $3 million. We normally do not consider seed-stage investments. Rather, our goal is to help commercialize products or services that are in the marketplace already producing revenues but not necessarily profits. Investment Criteria -Management team capabilities. First and foremost, we believe that a successful company is built by a strong and cohesive team with the vision to identify a market opportunity and define an operating strategy, the ability to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the business, and the leadership skills to inspire excellence. The character of an entrepreneur and the entire management team is vitally important. We seek a relationship with a portfolio company's management team that is based on trust and mutual respect that can survive the stresses inevitable in any company's growth. -Growing Market. We look at the industry in which the potential portfolio company operates. We typically only consider business opportunities that focus on large, high-growth markets. Though this criterion will often lead us to technology-based entities, our scope is not limited to such companies. Rather, we are open to any business that meets an important need in a market that exhibits the potential for substantial growth in the coming years. -Effectiveness of Products or Services in Addressing a Market Need. After understanding the portfolio company's particular market, we assess the effectiveness of the company's products or services in addressing a clear market need. First, we evaluate the validity of the market need as articulated by the company. Then we analyze the viability of the company's business model in addressing that need - both its broad-based strategies for success and its highly specific financial forecasts. Finally, we judge the model's assessment of potential competitors and their strengths and weaknesses. The potential portfolio company must have a product or offer a service that is unique and represents a sustainable competitive advantage. -Significant Upside Potential. To generate returns that our investors expect, portfolio companies must have significant upside potential. There are countless opportunities to utilize investment capital for companies that have the potential for moderate returns. To generate exceptional returns, however, the company's business model must demonstrate a growth rate that, if successful, would result in a large payoff for our investors.
  • Adrian N. Wilson, Managing Member