The Technology Transfer Assistance Grant Program (TTAG)

About The Technology Transfer Assistance Grant Program (TTAG)

The Technology Transfer Assistance Grant Program (TTAG) assists Arkansas’ enterprises in developing or improving products or processes through the transfer of technical solutions to technology-based, industry-driven problems, thus enhancing that enterprise’s market competitiveness. The Arkansas Economic Development Commission (AEDC) provides limited financial support for the transfer and deployment of innovative technology. AEDC will fund up to $3,750 of costs associated with transferring new or existing technology from a qualified applicant — such as a public or private enterprise, laboratory, college or university — to an enterprise based in Arkansas. Up to $5,000 of total project costs will be considered, with the first $2,500 funded by the Authority; the remaining $2,500 is cost-shared equally (50:50) between the Authority and the enterprise. Each enterprise is eligible to receive assistance for two technology transfer projects per year. Projects are evaluated on a competitive basis. ELIGIBLE USERS AEDC defines eligibility as broadly as possible to encourage submissions that reflect the greatest potential for project success. Qualified eligible applicants include one or more technology transfer resource providers who possess or have the capability to locate innovative technology to transfer to a specific Arkansas-based enterprise. "Technology transfer resource provider" means any public or private Arkansas-based enterprise, college or university, or laboratory that has the capability to identify and transfer innovative technology.
  • Bob Kucheravy, Director of Science and Technology