The Pay It Forward Company

About The Pay It Forward Company

Our mission is to build better lives for billions. We invest in source-solving, not symptom-solving. Solving problems at the source shifts paradigms, which creates new markets. We capture the upside of these new markets and help direct them to be in service of humanity and our planet. Source-solving often requires building new infrastructure. That’s why we primarily invest in infrastructure - across financial technology, health, energy and more. We partner with founders building infrastructure for a better world. We build supportive ecosystems for our portfolio through all stages of growth by backing select emerging managers. We’ve supported the growth stories of successful venture capital franchises like Deciens Capital & Tribe Capital. Organizations building new societal infrastructure need top-notch internal infrastructure. Through PIF Advisory, we build operational infrastructure for founders, family offices, private equity and enterprise. This includes services across finance, accounting, operations, and legal.
  • Raaid Hossain, General Partner