The Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) program

About The Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) program

The Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) program is a grant funding resource, helping to off-set a portion of skills-based training costs for incumbent (existing) workers employed by Montana's private sector. Businesses must demonstrate that training will increase the worker's skill-level, result in a promotion or wage gain, or expand their business market/increase business revenue with the intent of preserving existing jobs for Montana residents. Private sector includes for-profit and non-profit businesses operating in Montana year-round. The incumbent worker must be on the job for six months of consecutive employment. Grant funding is allocated to the Montana Department of Labor & Industry (MDLI) on a State Fiscal Year and is available on a first-come first-served basis. Funding is allocated to MDLI at the discretion of the Montana Legislature and is not guaranteed.
  • Michelle Robinson, Program Manager