The Hall Street Fund

About The Hall Street Fund

At Hall Street Fund, our mission is to enrich members, regardless of previous knowledge or background, with hands on investing and financial research experience. Through the various networking events, panels, and workshops we host, we prepare Seton Hall students for careers on Wall Street and different areas within financial services. All majors and backgrounds are welcome! As the chief finance and investment club of Stillman, we extend the school's tradition of "transforming business concepts into practice." The Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF) serves as the an extension of the investment concepts and research done as a part of HSF. As a part of the SMIF, students who have been trained in the principles of equity research at the Hall Street Fund can enroll in the Student Portfolio Management course BFIN 1004 & BFIN 1005 where they serve as Portfolio Managers for our endowment portfolio. A gift of The Stillman School of Business and the University Endowment Board, the SMIF has $155,000 in Assets Under Management.
  • Ronald Babiak, Portfolio Manager