The Firehood

About The Firehood

The Firehood is a group of women in Canada who are passionate about tech and entrepreneurship. They were founded in 2021 with the mission to increase the participation, leadership, and prosperity of women in the tech ecosystem. The Firehood provides a number of resources and opportunities for women in tech, including: - Networking: The Firehood hosts regular networking events where women can connect with other professionals in the tech industry. - Mentorship: The Firehood offers mentorship programs to help women develop their skills and advance their careers. - Training: The Firehood offers training programs on topics such as angel investing, venture capital, and entrepreneurship. - Capital: The Firehood has a $2.3 million investment fund that is dedicated to investing in women-led tech startups. The Firehood is a growing and influential group that is making a real difference for women in tech. They are committed to creating a more inclusive and equitable tech ecosystem, and they are helping to pave the way for future generations of women entrepreneurs.
  • Danielle Graham, Co-Founder