The City of Long Beach’s Cannabis Equity Direct Grants Program

About The City of Long Beach’s Cannabis Equity Direct Grants Program

The City of Long Beach’s Cannabis Equity Direct Grants Program utilizes funding from the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO Biz) to provide grants to Long Beach’s cannabis equity entrepreneurs (Equity Applicants). To receive grant funds, Equity Applicants must complete a grant application and undergo a business verification process. Grant amounts are disbursed at four milestones during the business license process that will assist Equity Applicants in starting a sustainable cannabis business. If an Equity Applicant meets the requirements of all milestones, they will be eligible to receive a grant depending upon the type of cannabis business and size (square footage) of the cannabis facility. PLEASE NOTE: The grant funding provided to Equity Applicants will help offset a portion of the capital needed to start a cannabis business but will likely not be able to fully fund the business operation. Equity Applicants will likely need additional sources of funding to start and sustain their cannabis operation. In addition, grant funds are currently not available to Equity Businesses once the business becomes licensed and operational; therefore, it is recommended to not rely solely on the grant funding. Grant funds are solely provided to assist an Equity Applicant with obtaining a business license. The City is exploring ways to provide additional resources and assistance to Cannabis Equity Businesses once they become operational without the use of grant funds, including Direct Technical Assistance and incubation support.
  • Tom Modica, City Manager