The Butchery Innovation and Revitalization Fund

About The Butchery Innovation and Revitalization Fund

The Butchery Innovation and Revitalization Fund, administered by the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA), was created in 2021. The fund provides financial assistance in the form of grants to businesses for projects relating to small-scale meat processing, licensed custom lockers and mobile slaughter units. Types of Eligible Projects >Expanding, refurbishing an existing, or establishing a new business in the areas of: -State inspected or federally inspected small-scale meat processing business. -Licensed custom locker. -Mobile slaughter unit. >Renting or purchasing buildings, refrigeration facilities, freezer facilities or equipment necessary to expand processing capacity. This includes projects for: -Mobile slaughter or refrigeration units used exclusively for meat or poultry processing by a federally inspected, small-scale meat processing business. -Licensed custom lockers. -Mobile slaughter units. -State inspected small-scale meat processing business.
  • Brad Frisvold, Marketing Manager-International Trade