The Alchemy Group

About The Alchemy Group

The Alchemy fund invests in national-quality ventures between tech hubs. Our unique model creates its deal flow by working intensively with talented local entrepreneurs to build investable projects. We are venture investors in the Pioneer Valley of Western MA/CT and Southern VT/NH. Like most of the rest of the country, our region is a greenfield for venture capital investment, under-indexing major tech hubs by 10-50x per capita. This is large because it lacks the polished, ready-to-invest deals that venture investors in larger markets are familiar with. From another perspective, however, it’s overflowing with opportunity, since it contains all the ingredients that make up great ventures: smart people, technology, business ideas, capital, mentors, and infrastructure. Alchemy’s innovation is to combine local ingredients into national-quality ventures. We take talented founders, help them upgrade their business model, add differentiating technology, provide seed funding, and assign veteran executives as coaches. This yields high-potential deals with attractive returns for investors, de-risks the deals during their critical formative stages, and creates a genuine partnership with the portfolio companies we serve. It also catalyzes local economic development.
  • Brett M. Gearing, Partner