
About TechOperators

TechOperators is a venture capital firm that invests in growth-stage software companies. It also provides constructive, strategic, operating, and networking support to its portfolio companies. Atlanta-based TechOperators invests in emerging software companies with high growth potential. We look for entrepreneurs building emerging growth-stage companies with defensible positions in large and growing markets. The firm is specifically focused on opportunities to innovate and transform solutions for cyber security, enterprise productivity, cloud computing, and IT infrastructure. We concentrate our investment focus on opportunities that demonstrate the following characteristics: -Great founders with strong personal qualities. -Large and growing addressable business markets. -A product that addresses a significant customer need with a clear/tangible value proposition. -Recurring revenue business model. -Have developed and launched a first product or service in their target market. -Value our experience, have a willingness to apply our guidance, and operate transparently.
  • David Gould, General Partner