Strategic Capital Partners
About Strategic Capital Partners
Strategic Capital Partners, LLC (SCP), headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana is a commercial real estate firm developing, owning, operating, and investing in properties strategically located in the top-tier submarkets of Charlotte, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Nashville, Northern Virginia, and Raleigh/Durham.
SCP has acted as the general partner and lead developer/owner in more than 15 million square feet of properties valued at over $2.0 billion. The SCP team is rich with industry experience in private equity, development, acquisitions, banking, property management, and brokerage.
Strategic Capital Partners, LLC launched in 2005 as the manager of a $250 million private equity commercial real estate investment fund. We are now the developer, owner, operator and general partner for more than 15 million square feet of industrial, office, multi-family and student housing properties valued at more than $2.0 billion.
- Mark Fennerty, Assistant Vice President
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