Stone Arch Capital

About Stone Arch Capital

Stone Arch Capital makes equity investments in leading private companies with revenues typically ranging from $20 million to $150 million and earnings before interest, tax, and depreciation (EBITDA) between $5 million and $30 million. Stone Arch Capital primarily focuses on companies headquartered in the Midwest region of the United States. Although we focus on the Midwest, we will also selectively invest throughout the United States and Canada where we believe we can bring unique value. Our team has over 100 years of experience investing in and building businesses in a wide variety of industries and markets. We pursue niche market leaders that display strong profit margins, and consistent profitability, and generate high cash flow. We invest in people and management teams who work hard, believe in a vision, have the discipline and focus to follow such a vision and have absolute integrity Unlike many private equity investors, we structure our investments to maintain financial stability, pursue growth, and maximize operational flexibility Investment Criteria -We invest primarily in businesses headquartered in the Midwest -While located in the Midwest, many of these companies provide products and/or services on a national and even an international basis with customers and supply chain partners that stretch to Asia, South America, Europe, Central America, and beyond -We have the experience and expertise to help our portfolio management partners make the most of these opportunities -We will also invest in companies located outside the Midwest that are part of attractive industry build-ups or where our skills and experience are uniquely able to add value to our investment and the owners and management share our core Midwestern business values
  • Dean Wikenheiser, Director