Stephan Schambach, Angel Investor

About Stephan Schambach, Angel Investor

Stephan Schambach is an Investor and founder of NewStore, Demandware, Intershop & other ventures. Stephen is a Serial Entrepreneur, a college dropout, and has never been employed. He founded several tech companies resulting in two IPO's with multi-billion dollar market caps and a $2.8B exit. He is the author of Makeover: How Mobile Flipped the Shopping Cart. Throughout his career, Stephan has created enormous value by capitalizing on the major turning points in e-commerce. As the future of retail shifts to mobile, his most recent venture - NewStore - takes advantage of this next major inflection point. NewStore transforms brick-and-mortar shopping into app-powered, digitally connected retail experiences. The first to provide Omnichannel-as-a-Service, NewStore integrates cloud-based order management and Mobile POS. He is the Investor and Chairman at Orca, a navigation for the modern boater, meticulously designed to help you plan and find your way at sea, without getting in your way. He is also the Chairman & Principal Investor of Torqeedo, the market leader in the fast-growing electric marine propulsion market. The company provides an award-winning range of green boating products such as electrical outboard motors, electrical propulsion solutions for boats, and diesel-hybrid propulsion solutions for yachts.
  • Stephan Schambach, Angel Investor