Spokane Arts Grant Awards

About Spokane Arts Grant Awards

The Spokane Arts Grant Awards, known as SAGA, work to support a thriving arts economy. SAGA accepts requests for up to $10,000 per application. There are three grant rounds per year, and multiple grants can be awarded each round. Grant funding financially supports arts and culture projects and programs, as well as individual artists, and evaluates applications based on three criteria: - Artistic Merit: Spokane Arts encourages innovative, creative, and unique programming in the Spokane region. - Effectiveness: SAGA looks for evidence of a history of well-planned and effectively managed projects, appropriate partnerships and skillsets, and a solid plan for the proposed work. - Community Impact: We encourage programs that reflect and include the diversity of the Spokane community and express and support the perspectives of our diverse cultures.
  • Shelly Wynecoop, Grants Manager