Solstice Capital

About Solstice Capital

Solstice Capital seeks superior venture capital returns for its limited partners through investments in seed- and early-stage companies in the industry areas of alternative energy, education, the environment, life sciences, and information technology. Solstice is committed to investing 50% of its capital in information technology and 50% in the following socially responsive investment categories: Alternative Energy The Environment Life Sciences Education Investment Criteria: -Committed and experienced management -Products or services, and their relationship to accessible markets -Sustainable unfair advantage (i.e. technology, distribution arrangements, or other factors that provide long term advantages over competitors) -Change factors, like technological and societal shifts, which may be creating this investment opportunity -Solstice places special emphasis on change factors. In evaluating investment opportunities, Solstice tries to understand why an opening exists for a new entrant into the industry at this time.
  • Harry George, Managing General Partner