Sky Ventures

About Sky Ventures

Sky Ventures Group is a Boston-based investment group that provides funding to early-stage life science and healthcare companies. The Sky Ventures Group includes top-tier corporate venture capital, foundations, family offices and individual angel investors who want to change the early stage investment landscape and impact lives by building outstanding life science & healthcare companies. At Sky Ventures Group, investors have access to potentially great investment opportunities that are vetted, mentored and advised by our member network. Our members collaborate on due diligence but make individual investment decisions. Early stage companies present to the Sky Ventures Group members through forums held in Boston. Any company presenting to the members for investment will have passed a preliminary screening process led by our screening committee. Our meetings offer great opportunities to meet entrepreneurs, discuss the presenting companies among peers, meet strategic partners and learn more about market trends, technology and professional topics. Early-stage funding is a risky business, but offers the potential for high return on investment, in addition to providing an opportunity to mentor entrepreneurs and help grow promising companies that may change our lives. We are selective both in our investments and our choice of partners.
  • Eyal Geffen , Co-Founder