SBV Capital

About SBV Capital

Investing is an incredibly interesting business. One takes hard-earned money and places a bet on a business that may or may not work or provide a great return. There is a science to the financial modeling and the due diligence process, but there is a lot of art involved too. It takes a great eye to determine what is real vs what is not, what is unique vs. ordinary, and what is achievable vs. implausible. Successful investors understand business strategy, timing, team dynamics, deal structure, metrics that matter, governance, and much more. It’s what we do at Spectrum Business Ventures. And we do it really well. SBV does not just provide funding. We bring a vast network of experts and advisors that span all business functions, a broad set of industries, and widespread geographies. SBV makes possible what others often think of as impossible. SBV. We see the world differently.
  • Amit Raizada, CEO