Sandy Hill Ventures

About Sandy Hill Ventures

At SHV we seek opportunities below the radar of most venture capital and private equity firms. Often, our investments are smaller and/or structured to meet the needs of company or individual seeking liquidity. We won’t tell you how to run your business, manage your culture, or change anything that makes your business unique. SHV makes few investments, but we spend time and effort supporting the entrepreneur in his/her efforts to develop a successful company. In cases where we provide liquidity to investors or entrepreneurs, we complete a deep review before taking a position. We also gravitate toward complex or unique situations where structure and liquidity can provide additional value to a transaction. We are not afraid of one-off arrangements that can benefit both parties to a transaction. Our partners understand that there are risks to investing in emerging companies – exchanging liquidity for returns over the long term. We work to keep our LPs informed without overloading them with the day to day complexities of running a business.
  • Ron Warrington, Managing Partner