Rochester Parklet and Sidewalk Cafe Grant

About Rochester Parklet and Sidewalk Cafe Grant

The Parklet and Sidewalk Café Grant program is aimed at assisting downtown bars, restaurants, or community organizations looking to construct a sidewalk café or parklet structure. AVAILABLE GRANT FUNDS • Grant funds may be used to pay for up to 50 percent of the costs associated with design, rendering, construction materials, and labor for building a street café or parklet structure. • Applicants must also match 100 percent of any funds received from the grant. • The maximum amount of grant funding a business or organization may receive is $10,000. • If an applicant is approved for funding, approval is given as a “not to exceed” amount. So, if an approved project’s final receipts are less than the approved amount, the grant payout will be half of the resulting total.
  • Naura Anderson, Public space coordinator