RMB Funds

About RMB Funds

RMB invests with conviction. To us, conviction means dedication to deep, fundamental research and a belief that actively managed portfolios offer the flexibility and agility to outperform over a market cycle. We specialize in long-term, active investment strategies that span the market-cap spectrum and the globe. We strive to identify companies that we believe are the best allocators of shareholder capital, invest in those companies when we believe they offer an attractive risk/reward profile, and manage portfolio risk by isolating stock selection as the main driver of excess return. Our funds have navigated a variety of market environments for a wide range of investors. Building on a foundation established in 1975, RMB Funds offers distinctive mutual funds that have navigated various market environments for a broad array of investors by combining decades of experience with a specialized focus, intensive fundamental research, and an opportunistic approach. Our Portfolio Management Team averages 25+ years of investment experience. What Makes Us Different *Economic Return Framework – Applying our team’s 20+ year depth of accounting and valuation expertise to measure corporate performance *Life Cycle Approach – Innovative approach to investing *Intellectual Independence – Tied to a proprietary value creation framework
  • Christopher M. Graff, Partner