RJ Lewis, Angel Investor

About RJ Lewis, Angel Investor

RJ Lewis is the Founder & CEO of e-Healthcare Solutions, LLC, the premier Premium Advertising Network specializing in the digital healthcare marketplace. In addition to e-Healthcare Solutions, R.J. is a Co-Founder of Tap Native, a native advertising network focused on providing a clean, well-lit brand-safe experience for advertisers and publishers in the healthcare ecosystem. R.J. is also a Chief Collaborator at the Pharmaceutical Marketing Network www.pharma-mkting.com and is focused on bringing the voices of the whole pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing ecosystem together to address today's challenges and tomorrow's opportunities. R.J. is an active Angel Investor and part of Delaware Crossing Investor Group. He is also a member and a past President, Paul Harris Fellow, and Charlie Bain Award winner of the Rotary Club of Trenton, NJ.
  • RJ Lewis, Angel Investor