Red Cedar Ventures

About Red Cedar Ventures

The Michigan State University Research Foundation is a non-profit research foundation associated with Michigan State University, the premier land grant university in the nation. The Research Foundation was formed in 1973 as an independent foundation chartered to promote, encourage, and aid scientific investigation and research at the university; assist with patent matters and perform trust functions for the university’s fundraising organization. Today, the MSU Research Foundation is focused on helping Michigan State University achieve its objectives around economic development through the technology transfer and commercialization of intellectual property created by its faculty, staff, and students. Michigan State University is among the top 100 research institutes in the world with expenditures exceeding $700M annually. Our investments are inspired by the thinkers, innovators, and doers at MSU and beyond—the faculty, researchers, and student entrepreneurs ready to bring their technologies and companies to market. Our vision is to be the leading Mid-Michigan Venture Fund providing economic impact for the region and the state with new jobs, new companies, and value-added partnerships.
  • David Washburn, Executive Director