Purple Angel

About Purple Angel

Purple Angel is an informal group bound together by the relationships and experiences of our members. Prospective investments are reviewed collectively by the group, led by a smaller subgroup working in detail with the company. Investment decisions are individual, as is the custom with many organized angel groups. Investment Criteria -Geography We, as do many angel groups, prefer to invest in companies in the Ottawa-Gatineau region, the one-hour driving rule defining the distance. As we work with our companies closely before and after our investment, distance tends to inhibit our "hands-on" effectiveness. We will occasionally consider "out of territory" investments if those deals are led by a strong angel group in that region. -Domain As our portfolio shows, we have ventured far beyond our telecommunications roots. We are open to looking at any proposal that has at its core demonstrable technology, or other intellectual property with the potential to create scalable customer value. -Stage of Development We have invested in companies that have no revenue, and we have invested in companies that have bootstrapped to cash break-even and need expansion capital. We have not invested in companies at the concept stage, our preference is for companies that have achieved proof of concept with "friends and family" funding, or grants from the government, universities, or other commercialization institutions.
  • Cesar Cesaratto, Partner