Prospera Impact Grant For Women

About Prospera Impact Grant For Women

Prospera is pleased to announce that $18,000 will go directly to helping women business owners in Montana. Grant funding can be used for anything that will enhance economic independence for women, job creation, or take the business to the next level of success. We are most interested in projects that directly improve the ability of women business owners to become more economically successful. Grant applicants should share a brief compelling story about how they will use or leverage grant funds to grow or strengthen their business and how it will impact their local community. The applicants will be divided into Rural, Urban, and Statewide groups. If your business is registered in a town with a population of fewer than 10,000, you qualify for the Rural grants. Businesses registered in towns with more than 10,000 people qualify for the Urban grants. The Statewide grant applies to recipients of rural and urban areas. Both Rural and Urban have a $5,000 grant while the Statewide grant is $8,000.
  • PAUL REICHERT, Executive Director