Pradeep Kaul, Angel Investor

About Pradeep Kaul, Angel Investor

Currently the President, CEO, and co-founder of Hughes Systique Corporation (HSC), a Digital Engineering Solutions and Services company. With its global headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, USA, and R&D centers in Gurugram, Noid, and Bengaluru, HSC has been driving the digital transformation journey of clients across the globe with its innovative solutions and expertise. Prior to launching HSC, Mr. Kaul shared in the General Management of Hughes Network Systems (HNS) as an Executive VP of the company and a Member of the Office of the Chairman. Mr. Kaul began his career as the first engineer hired by DCC, a startup company, that grew to become HNS, a $1.5B company by 2005. Mr. Kaul has been active in the venture capital world as both an investor and an advisor. Over the last 25 years, he has participated in creating and/or investing in over 25 startup companies. He is on the board or in an advisory capacity for five companies spanning sensors as a service, eCommerce, AI/ML in wireless radios, O&G monitoring/control, and semiconductor-based gas sensors.
  • Pradeep Kaul, Angel Investor