Phyto Partners

About Phyto Partners

Phyto Partners is a venture capital fund that invests in businesses operating in and around the burgeoning Cannabis industry. The fund offers accredited investors a professionally managed vehicle to get involved in this rapidly growing market. We provide debt and equity capital to privately held cannabis companies. Since June 2015, Phyto Partners has deployed capital into 30 distinct portfolio companies. Our investments stem across the value chain of the cannabis industry; because we believe ancillary businesses are critical to facilitate the growth of the industry. Our portfolio investments touch education, branded products, agriculture technology, point of sale software, biotechnology, and more. INVESTMENT CRITERIA -Experienced management team -Clear value proposition -Defensible market, customer, and product positions -Intellectual property -Visibility to profitable cash flows -Synergy with our portfolio companies -Strategic capital co-investors -6-9 months monitoring of management/operations and execution -Justifiable valuation AREAS OF FOCUS -Advertising Technology -Agriculture Technology -Biotechnology (Genetics and Biosynthesis) -Brand Building (Consumer Packaged Goods) -Cannabis Delivery Services -Data -Education -Hemp/CBD -Intellectual property around product bioavailability and onset/offset time -Medical Dosing Technology -Software (SaaS)
  • Larry Schnurmacher, Managing Partner