Peterson Partners

About Peterson Partners

Over the last two decades, we've helped exceptional entrepreneurs build over 300 businesses. We go all-in Change Makers with more than just capital. We roll up our sleeves alongside you to solve problems, delight customers, and inspire growth. VENTURE We understand the challenges and pressures startup entrepreneurs face. We offer capital, support, and a decade of experience to help navigate those challenges and chart the course to rapid growth and scale. Our pre-seed and seed investments typically range between $250k-$2.5M, while also reserving appropriate follow-on capital to support growth along the way. PRIVATE EQUITY When it comes to investing, we get behind people, rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach. We back strong leaders and creative thinkers with tailored investment options to support our entrepreneurs for the long haul. Our flexible, growth-oriented approach means we do what’s right for the business and the people, setting everyone up for success.
  • Clint Peterson, Managing Partner