Patagonia Media Grants Program

About Patagonia Media Grants Program

Our Media Grants Program supports grassroots activist organizations that have direct-action agendas and are working on strategic, multipronged campaigns to preserve and protect our environment. This program specifically funds projects that use media in its various formats as a tool tightly linked to direct-action campaigns. Work we’ve funded includes, but is not limited to, projects centered on film, journalism, photojournalism, podcasts, radio and books. Projects must outline how using a specific type of media is the most impactful way to advance a call-to-action for a targeted audience and how that form of media fits into the overall campaign strategy. We support production companies through our Media Grants Program but only if their work is in direct support of a campaign conducted by an environmental 501(c)(3) organization, which also serves as their fiscal sponsor. All proposals are reviewed by an employee-grants council based at our company headquarters and is made up of staff with a strong media background.
  • Hans Cole, Gran