Oxantium Ventures

About Oxantium Ventures

We invest worldwide in a diversified range of companies, distributed across three stages of enterprise development – seed, early stage, and growth. This is done for two primary reasons. One is to follow a balanced portfolio strategy and minimize risk. The other is to offer a “lifecycle” of support to promising companies and to have the capacity to fund them from the early idea stage to well after they are out of incubation and require financing to sustain growth. Seed funding Targeting the early innovation stage, with typical funding levels of $100,000 to $1 million, seed investments focus on technology incubators, technology transfer groups, and business-to-innovation service enterprises. We recognize that funding at this level plays a critical role in giving life to innovation. We seek to close the funding gap between the upper limit of internal financing and the lower limit of financing typically offered by venture capitalists. Early-stage funding With typical investments in the range of $2-6 million, early-stage activities are aimed at small companies as they raise their first or second round of financing to complete their technology offering and establish a customer base. This is a crucial period in their development as it requires transformation into a fully functional enterprise that faces a new set of challenges. In addition to technical hurdles, there is also a need for expanding personnel, management, and sales. This stage necessitates more than just financial support. It compels networking opportunities to find new team members and customers, and oversight that needs to be provided by experienced advisors to ensure company expansion and access to markets. Successful seed investments in the Fund’s portfolio may receive access to additional funding as part of Oxantium’s commitment. Growth funding Growth-oriented investment is focused on companies with a high potential of proceeding to an IPO or trade sale within the next several years. Serving capital needs in the range of up to $20 million, we support small- and medium-sized enterprises that have established steady growth with a reasonably developed customer base. Bridge financing, mezzanine financing, and other forms of equity financing are critical investment activities executed in this investment stage. The management team includes executives with broad networks and a wealth of experience in creating synergies and preparing companies for going public or being acquired; this expertise will be available to the portfolio companies and will enable their successful exits.
  • Newton Howard, Managing Partner