Oregon Arts Commission - Arts ADA Accessibility Reimbursement Program

About Oregon Arts Commission - Arts ADA Accessibility Reimbursement Program

The Oregon Arts Commission envisions a future where communities celebrate creative expression, artists and arts organizations thrive through robust public support, the arts are recognized as an essential economic driver, and Oregon is recognized as a leader for equity and inclusion in the arts. Arts organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure that their programs are accessible to people of all abilities. Accessibility means striving to provide all people, regardless of ability, with an equal opportunity to experience the programs and services offered by the organization. It also means providing any reasonable modification or accommodation necessary to achieve equal opportunity. The Arts ADA Accessibility Reimbursement Program supports: • Offset of expenditures for specific accessibility-related expenses; • Public access to all individuals with disabilities who want to participate in arts activities offered by Oregon arts nonprofits • Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42, USC Sec. 12101, et seq.; and • Identification of best practices for accessibility throughout Oregon
  • Kat Bell, Grants Officer