Notley Ventures

About Notley Ventures

Founded in 2015, Notley is a hybrid venture capital & philanthropic organization that takes an integrated approach to creating systemic change. We make investments and incubate companies that drive high profit and best-in-class returns so we can fund our philanthropic efforts and produce outstanding returns for our partners. We are entrepreneurs and operators first. We have built companies and know what it takes to win and we will be there every step of the way. We love what we do and we are in this together! No matter the sector or the stage, we look for: * Amazing founders & leaders with grit, adaptability, track record, and strong values. * We seek companies with proven product market fit and measurable traction in a market that is of significant size and ready for disruption. * Are you bringing something revolutionary to the market and is there actual real-time demand? * We are looking for founders building with an eye toward financials grounded in a real-world business: good unit economics, controlled burn, and common sense! * We seek market-proven valuations that will generate real returns for founders and investors.
  • Dan Graham, Co-Founder & General Partner